Monday, December 30, 2019

The Rise and Fall of the American Teenager Essay - 1442 Words

Jensen Martinez Professor Tracy Davis History 118 2 November 2012 Book Review # 2 The Rise and Fall of the American Teenager Teenagers are more than capable of achieving great tasks in the future as well as causing great destruction with every skill stapled in their mind as they grow. Good and evil will determine the effects of which path a young mind its taught so that’s why parents must educated well with good intensions for a better future. The age of a teenager shows history how it transformed the world including the United States by family values, the high school, and dangerous adolescences etc. What teenagers did was start a fashion changing the world and its rules, becoming rebellious toward their parents values for†¦show more content†¦it just shows how one young adult didn’t agree with his masters opinion in education and rebelled making an enormous change in the world. There are many cultures in this world, thousands of years old which a child is educated by his parents. Back when America was discovered by Colombia’s and the 13 colonies were later established, a ter m like apprentice was used as the term teenagers are used today. Children depended on their parents but in these times back when many immigrants fled to America vise versa was the case to find work in order for the family to succeed. Children and young adults would work for other families or business as servants’ example caring for animals, gardening, spinning, candle-making, and preparing food. Even school was different because a twelve year old would attend classes with a twenty year old and received the same education. Apprenticeship was the knowledge to show young teens to specialize in a certain work learning the skills from there master. The Boston English High School opened in 1821 being the first high school in the world. But its fame didn’t reach to all adolescence for the reason being work was more important to families in the Unites States because survival was considered education importance at the time. Children then started to realize that the power of edu cation was in their favor with high school, making adolescence highly more intelligent than adults. High school started toShow MoreRelatedThe Main Reason For Collapsing Of Roman Empire And America843 Words   |  4 PagesRome was caused by the fall of father role in the families, America have been suffering from the moral decline because of the rise in the single-parent families. The rise in the single-parent families is the same kind of the fall of father authority because single-mothers’ rate is increased than the single-father’s rate. There were about 12 million single-parents families in U.S, and more than 80 percent were led by the single-mothers according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on The Benefits and Drawbacks of Globalization

Globalization can be defined as the ability to produce and good or service anywhere in the world using capital, technology and components from anywhere and to sell the output anywhere and place the profits anywhere - - Peter Jay, BBC Economics Corrospondent, 1996 Rather than lead to economic benefits for all people, economic globalization has brought the planet to the brink of environmental catastrophe, social unrest that is unprecedented, economies of most countries in shambles, an increase in poverty, hunger, landlessness, migration and social dislocation. The experiment may now be called a failure. The International Forum on Globalization (IFG) here outlines the economic and social problems of which they accuse increased†¦show more content†¦The critics alarmed by these figures, argue that they are an inevitable result of a reliance on the market force. This they argue gives the rich a free reign to exploit the poor and add to their wealth, as well as draining natural resources from poorer countries whilst destroying their environment. This is justified by the belief that as international trade restrictions are lifted, large multinational corporations will be able to produce their goods anywhere in the world. They will subsequent ly choose to produce where low-paid domestic workers are most easily exploited due to a lack of labor laws and trade unions, and where they can ignore costly environmental protection acts either because the local government does not recognize them, or chooses to ignore them. This will be the lowest possible production cost to the firm, which will in turn maximize their profits in line with the theory of the firm. The firm however, as Jay makes clear in his definition, is under no obligation to keep these profits in the production country, and is in fact likely to channel savings backs the developed world, leaving the country of production with few benefits from theShow MoreRelated The Benefits and Drawbacks of Globalization Essay3031 Words   |  13 Pagesliberalisation has been mixed as well. The benefits have been increased foreign investment into the country, increased flow of technology into the countries, and higher economic growth rates as a result. On the other hand, incom e inequality has worsened, most of the jobs that have come into these countries leave little room for future growth, there have been significant environmental costs. Economic theory suggests that in the long run, everyone will benefit from economic liberalisation, but at theRead MoreThe Drawbacks Of Globalization920 Words   |  4 PagesYou either hate it or you love it. Globalization. Has its benefits and has its drawbacks. Do the benefits overturn the drawbacks? Benefits include the spread of new culture, jobs, diversity, as well as careers. It improves the global economy, expands knowledge of foreign cultures, and free trade equals a happy economy. Drawbacks of globalization include, taking jobs away from locals, people move country to country wherever they can make the most money and leave the poorer countries which in turnRead MoreGlobalization And The Global Migration903 Words   |  4 Pagesthe country. Globalization is the global economic integration of the global market. In recent time, there were many migrations because of the process of globalization. In order for us to understand the causes and the effects of these migrations, we need to understand the relationship between globalization and global migration. Globalization is the primary reason why global migration occurs. Globalization is the (process of integration and development in the global market.) 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Globalization helps to increases an International Trade, mainly creation of new trade treaty between the developing and developed countries. Globalization binds nations together (Tverberg, G., 2013). The most important thing of globalization is impact on environment is that, there is an improvement on use of resources and awareness. There is a worldwide market for the

Friday, December 13, 2019

Confucianism and Legalism Free Essays

Confucianism and Legalism Confucianism and Legalism were two philosophies developed by scholars as solutions to a period of disorder in China. Confucianism and Legalism are similar in that both originated during the Chinese Classical Period; however, they are different in government because Confucianism focuses on having an orderly, respectful, and successful ruler, while Legalism focuses on having an forceful and omnipotent ruler. In addition, education is extremely important in Confucianism, as opposed to the Legalist belief that people should never gain much knowledge. We will write a custom essay sample on Confucianism and Legalism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both Confucianism and Legalism were developed in China during the Classical Period as solutions to bring back peace and harmony to the area. After the decline of the Zhou dynasty, there was a breakdown of social order (The Period of Warring States), so Chinese scholars and philosophers looked for ways to bring back a state of order and peace. Two different schools of thought, Confucianism and Legalism, developed as ways to move China out of chaos and help it return to stability. Another philosophy, Daoism, is similar to Confucianism and Legalism because it was also developed during the Classical Period in China as a solution to the disorder. The styles of governing found in Confucianism and Legalism differ greatly because Confucian government focuses on leading by example, while Legalist government focuses on having an all-powerful government in order to make sure people do not disrupt society for their own gain. Confucians believe that a ruler must be orderly, respectful, and successful in order for his subjects to obey him. This idea is due to their belief in The Five Relationships, one of which is between ruler and subject stating that subjects shall obey their ruler as long as the ruler respects the subjects. Legalist and Confucian beliefs are different on this matter because Legalists think that a ruler can do whatever he wishes regardless of his subjects, while Confucians value respect and devotion throughout society. They believe that there must be an all-powerful and forceful government in place to control society. The reason they think this is because they believe that humans are selfish in nature and that their desires bring about chaos and disorder in society. The views of Confucianism and Legalism on education are very different in that education is very important in Confucianism, while Legalism tries to restrict learning as much as possible. Confucianism deems education as the most important thing a person can have. This is because the Confucian social order – differing from the Legalist social order that focused mainly on ancestry – was not specifically based on birth, but on education as well; the more educated a person was the higher their status could be. However, Legalists believed that anyone or anything that opposed the emperor must be controlled by censorship. Those who opposed the emperor were punished or killed, and works that expressed opposition were destroyed. The reason for these actions is that the powerful emperor did not want his reputation to be impaired by other’s â€Å"selfish acts. Confucianism and Legalism are both similar in that they developed at the same time in China; however, they are different in that in order to control society Confucians believe in governing by example, while Legalists believe in governing by force and power. Additionally, Confucianism and Legalism differ in that Confucianism values education to the highest degree, whereas Legalism tries to limit the knowledge of society. Both of these Classical Period philosophies were built up in order to pose as solutions to a period of disorder in China. How to cite Confucianism and Legalism, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Software Development Process and Project Performance †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Software Development Process and Project Performance. Answer: Introduction: Technological advancements have resulted to invention of cars with micro-chips that are being controlled using smartphones. With smartphone controlled cars, it is possible to drive while away from your vehicle through an application controlled from a smartphone (Shaheen, Guzman hang, 2010). The next technological advancement is on spacecraft that has been designed to transport people to Mars. The change has been spearheaded by need to reach Mars and its capabilities have been copied from asteroids. The change has been facilitated by development of more intelligent systems that can be controlled from computers as well as more powerful sources of fuel such nuclear energy. Wireless communication through internet was established early 1990s. In the year 2003, it was incorporated into home computers through Intel Centro chip. It is very clear that the effect of computers with ability to support Wi-Fi came about through Intel Centro chip (Shaheen, Guzman hang, 2010). Next, communication advancement was noticed through innovation of World Wide Web in 1992. The World Wide Web (WWW) innovation made it possible to have faster internet than older days. The innovation of WWW was through discovery of powerful scripting languages. This has greatly changed due to multi-tenant cloud computing which are more flexible and gives companies capability to implement changes. Its capability to support a flexible working environment has been facilitated by multi-tenant model. Additionally, financial management has been revolutionized by use of In-Memory Database Technology which has made it possible to access and analyze financial data directly from databases. This has been made possible by developing systems that can support system In-memory queries and analysis. Manufacturing has been adopting molecular and atomic production of items through nonmanufacturing. In regard to this, it has result to more intelligent electronic devices that can be operated through smartphones. The innovation has been facilitated by use of Nano chips (Gunasekaran, Lai Cheng, 2008). The next one is 24 hours manufacturing operations which have been facilitated by use of industrial robots. Production has become easier and higher throughput has been achieved than it was in 1990. Distribution of digital products worldwide has expanded business sector. It is now possible to reach a wider market range through use of technology. Goods can be purchased online and delivered through different means. This has been facilitated by availability of digital platforms and internet. Similarly, selling of goods and services can be done by sales persons from all over the world (Gunasekaran, Lai Cheng, 2008). Selling agents can be recruited from all over the world over the internet. Internet and computers have given a higher boost on sales and distribution. Airplay has come up with major advancement in the entertainment industry. The major boost has been facilitated by Bluetooth and grand-daddy Wi-Fi. Wireless technology speakers have made it possible to play any form of media from iTunes by just click of button on any enabled speakers. The next entertainment aspect has been fascinated by use of touchscreens. Apple has dominated with development of responsive User Interfaces. This has been made possible through use of flexible user interfaces. Drone use in specimen transportation has been innovated to avoid delays associated with physical transportation. This has been made possible by incorporating microchips that are quite intelligent and can be controlled from mobile application. Additionally, home-based which are wearable has made it possible to monitor patients conditions while at home (Kushins, Heard Weber, 2017). Developments of minute chips which can be inserted into patient body have this development possible. The Medicare chips are being installed into patients body so that doctor can monitor the subject patient without having frequent hospital visits. Advantages Efficient service delivery. Technological advancements are meant to streamline service delivery and its incorporation means better services. Quality services. Incorporating technology in healthcare is always geared towards offering best services to customers. Coming up modern cancer screening machines makes it possible to diagnose cancer at is early stages making possible to treat. Disadvantages Lack of skilled personnel to operate the systems. When new features are added in health information systems, its employees should be retrained. Cost of maintaining the system. Integrating new features in healthcare information system may require IT specialist assistant. The law of diminishing returns states that, as more people are added into software development project, diminishing marginal returns is expected. Adding more people into the system development increases time required to manage them resulting to high cost. To increase performance, it is important to minimize the cost of running the project (Reynolds, Keith Beretvas, 2010). The other two factors are availability and throughput. They usually compete because frequent system unavailability results to reduced productivity and vice versa. When system is unavailable, no production can be done, hence low productivity. System development follows structured process depending on complexity of the project, project milestones that need to be achieved among other factors. In regard to this, it is important to note that there is no best approach than other (Jiang et al, 2004). The selected process model depends mainly on the required order of millstones to be achieved. Since different model process results to different outcomes during system development, customers needs and specifications are given priorities. Before giving priority to any model, the system developer should have clear understanding of the project goals, the order of achieving milestones and project timeline. For example, when selecting SDLC over the Agile, the developer should analyze the project and come up with all deliverables required. Systems Terminal aircraft system Personal computer system Automobile system Electric power plant system Sub systems Terminal radar approach control Motherboard Fuel supply system Transmission system Components Wings Hard disk Engines Loads Sub components Stabilizer and rudder Ram Piston Capacitors and Reactors Parts Engines Keyboard Radiators Generator Principle interactions Receiving landing commands such as weather conditions and wind direction The operation principles Nature of the interactions Aircraft control interactions Operations control interactions The principle of interaction between aircraft and its movements affect the shape of the craft. It is streamlined to reduce air friction and aircraft (Kossiakoff et al, 2011). On operation principle, the aircraft is designed to make it easy to communicate with control tower. Finally, it is designed in such a way that, it is possible to service the aircraft easily. References Kossiakoff, A., Sweet, W. N., Seymour, S., Biemer, S. M. (2011). Systems Engineering: Principles and Practice. Hoboken: Wiley. Shaheen, S., Guzman, S., Zhang, H. (2010). Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: past, present, and future. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2143), 159-167. Kushins, E. R., Heard, H., Weber, J. M. (2017). Disruptive innovation in rural American healthcare: the physician assistant practice. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 11(2), 165-182. Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., Hwang, H. G., Huang, J., Hung, S. Y. (2004). An exploration of the relationship between software development process maturity and project performance.Information Management,41(3), 279-288. Reynolds, M. R., Keith, T. Z., Beretvas, S. N. (2010). Use of factor mixture modeling to capture Spearman's law of diminishing returns. Intelligence, 38(2), 231-241. Gunasekaran, A., Lai, K. H., Cheng, T. E. (2008). Responsive supply chain: a competitive strategy in a networked economy. Omega, 36(4), 549-564.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Americanization of Sports in the Late Essay Example

Americanization of Sports in the Late Paper American sports are American because they are a reflection of societal values and cultural norms during the rise of an industrialization America. These recreational activities became popular economic enterprises with specializing labor roles, set rules comparable to the standard workplace protocol in other industries at the time, and were intentionally civilized in such a way that they became more profitable for those in charge. This civilizing also meant a specialization of labor as many athletes became more professional with Irreplaceable skills. American sports In the late 19th entry are reflective of greater historical trends regarding Industrialization. American sports became American over the late 19th century by gradually integrating rising class values into the creation of sporting rules and practice. The urban and extensively diverse atmosphere in which popular sports developed necessitated Americanize them in such a way that sporting rules became cohesive with the exclusive class values of participants so that they opposed non- native culture and benefited the social group of the rule-makers. American sports re competitive, and thus leaving something to be gained, were inherently both profitable and popular, thus presenting fine arenas for a communication of the participants and practices by a leisure class. The American mentality that was present during the late sasss was a rise in nativity. Sports that played upon class tensions were popular due to their popularizing and often violent nature. This is evident through the class confrontations In breakneck fighting. We will write a custom essay sample on Americanization of Sports in the Late specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Americanization of Sports in the Late specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Americanization of Sports in the Late specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When John L. Sullivan fought Jake Klan In the last of the gloveless confrontations In 1889, Klan as represented as a favored native due to his American identity. Sullivan had Irish ancestry and although surely not every bit of money was bet by spectators on fighters who were not of their ethnicity, but the match was primarily polarize . For both the participants and the spectators, boxing offered an appropriate window to play out sometimes violent class tensions in an equal and fair way. American sports became more American by gradually excluding African Americans from the world of white privilege, as It had previously been an avenue for self-determination and social mobility. Prior to the rise of Jim Crow and exclusive policies, athletes like Tom Monolingual, for example, had used the realm of sport to fight all over the world in the late sasss and make a decent living doing ITIL . However his race certainly was a barrier to his success in the united States, as white boxers practically forced him to move to Europe through a communal unspoken policy regarding black athletes. The use of sport as a social tool also remained available to Isaac Murphy, a black Jockey, who arguably was one of the most influential black athletes in the mid- 1 asss and the asss, racing in events like the Kentucky Derby and other notorious events. He was systematically pushed out of the sport however by white Jockeys who frequently boxed him in on the race track. Hitting him with their whips. This was an intentional action done by The Jockey Association to slow down Murphys practical assimilation Into white social culture through making an example of his race on the track. At ten turn AT ten TNT century Ana at ten real plane AT developments In ten specialization of labor, both the professional athlete and the average middle-class rocker had specific Job specifications. The pinnacle of Jim Crow however arises in the exclusion of African Americans as a kind of specialization of labor, that is, white athletes wanted to equate race with the ability to do anything specialized at all. Jack Johnson had to wait until Jim Jiffies accepted his challenge, as nobody was going to facilitate the fight without Jiffies approval anyway. Andrews, Matthew. The Manly Art. Lecture , September 9, 2014. 2 Andrews, Matthew. Black Athletes in the Age of Jim Crow. Lecture September 16, 2014. While Johnson inevitably won the fight, black players became marginalia for their skin color due to commonly held racist ideals about what kind of athletics spectators, coaches, and other white players wished to eliminate and augment in the group dynamics. Industrialization was a time of uncertainty not only for the everyday worker but also for the professional athlete himself. Just as danger and unstable Job conditions surrounded industrial labor, baseball players could be working one day and on the street the next. As the athlete became a commodity in the eyes of professional assessable managers around the turn of the 20th century, there was a gradual development of strategies utilized to take advantage of the infrastructure of sports like baseball that were greatly expanding opportunities for athletic employ due to their increasing popularity. This led to professional players exhibitionist themselves to play for multiple teams and in multiple games. This increase lends explanation to how sports like baseball, initially an exercise, and then a hobby for middle-class white-collar males allowed them to embody the American and capitalist spirit and lay baseball full-time. Baseball players celebrated upsetting the social hierarchy by throwing games, constant rotation of skilled players between teams, and the taking of money from bribes or payment from team owners and investors. The nature of general labor for the majority of Americans during the Progressive Era was brutal and offered little social determination. The degree to which baseball players reveled in the intense degree of control the group cumulatively had to manipulate the efficacy of the game. The same can be said for the rising popularity of American football. Theodore Roosevelt for example paralleled moral notions of muscular Christianity in football with the work ethic of the industrial working linen. While work ethic and personal ability was significant to being a part of a professional 3 Andrews, Matthew. The Game of Baseball. Lecture , September 2, 2014. 4 Andrews, Matthew. College Football and the Strenuous Life. Lecture , September 1 1, 2014. Sports team, like many of the industrial Jobs at the time, there was a communication going on at the time in terms of the labor of production, or more amateur baseball layers in urban centers that could replace and continue to saturate the baseball market for the sake of the team-owner and for the spectators. In other words, the skill of players was important, but it was arbitrary s ince baseball was such a new phenomenon, spectators Just wanted to watch people play. I en sequence AT Great White Hopes like Jiffies is referred to in the Jack Johnson article for example as a discussion of some sort of continually oppressive sequence of forces opposing black people. It didnt matter if it was Jiffies or any other individual; there were always ongoing to be more bodies to fight the battles and preoccupy those intrigued by racial tensions. Communication was also evident in the rising ticket prices and how that affected the types of people that could afford to attend more expensive athletic events. According to professor Andrews, the rising ticket prices kept out the riff-raff and offered a safe and clean environment for the middle and leisure classes to enjoy a sports. This notion of cleaning up the sport and paired with the communication of players truly displays how the marketing of baseball and players themselves was coming more important than the ability of the individual player. The media blew up match-ups (a lot like they do today) as they were the primary form of advertisement and the sole form of information after the game that some Americans would come in to contact with. It was important for a baseball club, Just like any other business of the time, to differentiate themselves based on the personal quality of their players since moral games were desirable outings to attend. Much like attending the opera, ballet or any sort of presumably classics event, porting events and the fan-fare that surrounded them were utilized by the upper class to conspicuously 5 BACK TO FARM FOR JIFFIES: He Will Never Enter the penne Ring Again. Still Dazed From His Beating, Jiffies Returns to His Camp and Is Comforted by Weeping Wife and His Many Friends. UNC Chapel Hill Libraries. The Chicago Tribune, 5 July 1910. Web. 16 Septet. 2014. 6 Andrews, Matthew. The Business of Baseball. Lecture , September 4, 2014. Display wealth and illustrate the differences between commoners and the attending elites. The displays of wealth were not only meant to make statements to the urban or who starkly opposed the wealthy through their sporting mannerisms, but they were intended to also put the athlete in their place. Athletes performances were commonly the grounds of gambling, entertainment, and otherwise the social field through which the elite interacted. While Jockeys competed in the Kentucky derby, the leisure class rested in the stands while relaxing in fine garments. Upper class elites Joined social and athletic clubs to not only exercise themselves, but to enjoy watching skilled boxers fight and spars. There are several things, although minor, hat undermined the American identity of fundamentally native sports. It was often advocated that Americans should take up sports and reject alcoholism and immoral behavior, yet many American athletes at this time, like Jim Jiffies, dealt with problems regarding substance and domestic abuse. In the Jack Johnson article, Jiffies is described as being out of good form due to these issues, lacking speed, and overall Just being old, thus indicating the degree to which this sort of immoral behavior did not belong in the sporting realm. The Americanism of native sport is further undermined regarding the origins of any games and athletic practices that Americans favored during the time period. Sports like baseball for example, had ostensibly native roots in evidence of the statically Ana ease games played In Tiny century England one could argue never, that the addition of certain rules were significant to Americans determining their individuality by renovating old forms of sport. For example, the idea of adding a line of scrimmage to American football as a way to civilize English Mob football is significant and exemplary of the ways that the game symbolically and 7 Andrews, Matthew. Sport and 100% Americanism. Lecture , September 23, 2014. Eternally balanced in a rule-based fashion that was favored by Americans. In conclusion the ways in which the communication of the American athlete and the specialization of his identity during the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, is a lens through which to understand something more about the ways that American society thought about civilizing sports. This was done by integrating rules that equated to class values in order to create spheres of interaction for the leisure class to both profit and be entertained by the sporting arena.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

ACT Practice Tests How to Reflect and Get the Most Out of Them

ACT Practice Tests How to Reflect and Get the Most Out of Them SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips ACT practice tests can be a great tool in preparing yourself for the real exam. In order for these tests to be worth your time, however, you’ll need to learn to evaluate your mistakes effectively. In this article, I’ll show you the most productive ways to reflect on ACT practice tests so that you can use them to your best advantage. Time-Based Reflection Strategies for Practice Tests It’s crucial that you reflect on your mistakes on practice tests in order to learn from them and improve your scores.First off, regardless of your time constraints, you should always take ACT practice tests under realistic testing conditions.This means appropriate timing, access to materials, and environment (an inconveniently small desk is optional).Print out the practice test; don’t take it on your computer! The only way to be sure that your assessment of your mistakes is accurate is to replicate test day conditions as closely as possible. You may have more or less time to reflect on the results of practice tests, so I’ll give some advice based on how many hours you think you can devote to studying before the ACT. If You Have FewerThan 40 Hours: Students who have less time to study often benefit more from taking practice tests.First, take an initial practice test to get a baseline reading on your score level.After you score the test, you should review your mistakes to see where you have the most problems.If you really messed up on one section or on certain types of questions, you should think about how you can change your strategy to fix your mistakes. If you find yourself running out of time, you might decide to read passages differently (skim instead of reading closely) or make more of an effort to skip difficult questions that are slowing you down.If you see many careless mistakes, you may need to do the opposite and stop yourself from rushing too much and glossing over important aspects of questions.If you have small problems with content that are relatively easy to resolve, you can focus on learning those concepts. Since you don’t have a ton of time, don’t worry about large content gaps that might take a ton of practice to fix. Focus on the mistakes that you can resolve most efficiently.Try not to spend more than four hours on fixing your mistakes.After this, take an additional practice test to see where you stand, and do another basic evaluation of your mistakes. Then you should have time to take at least one more final practice test before the real ACT! Two otters, carefully evaluating their situation. On your practice tests, you OTTER do the same (wow I'm really sorry about this). If You Have 40 to 100 Hours: Just like in the previous plan, you should take an initial practice test, score the test, and mark off all of your wrong answers.With this amount of time, however, you can afford to be a little more specific.For each incorrect answer, you should figure out exactly why you got it wrong so you can make judgments about where you have the most problems on the test.Most mistakes will fall into one of four main categories: Careless Error A careless error is a mistake that makes you facepalm.It’s when you get a question wrong, but you should have easily known the correct answer.Most of the time, this happens because you were rushing too much and didn’t read the question carefully. Content Issue A content issue is when you are missing the basic knowledge that you need in order to answer a question.Most of the time, this happens in the math section if you don’t remember how to solve certain types of problems. When you’re labeling content issue questions, it’s helpful to be specific about what you’re missing.You might say something like â€Å"didn’t know how to calculate angle measurement† or â€Å"forgot formula.† Question Comprehension Issue This is a weird mistake category. It means that the wording of the question was confusing, and you couldn’t figure out what it was actually asking.Usually, these problems can be solved through greater familiarity with the test and reading more closely. This type of mistake is less common on the ACT than on the SAT because questions are asked in a more straightforward manner. Time Issues Mistakes due to time issues usually happen on questions at the end of a section.If you can’t make it to the last few questions and end up leaving them blank or answering randomly, you have problems with time.These types of mistakes can be fixed by modifying your test-taking strategy and getting used to moving more quickly through the sections. Time stops for no one. This image is pure existential dread. Once you’ve categorized all of your mistakes, you can list them in descending order from most common to least common so that you have a good sense of which areas need the most attention. Work towards fixing your mistakes beginning with the ones that you think will be easiest to eliminate. This is a good time to fill in gaps in your content knowledge that were causing you to miss questions.If you struggle with time pressure, you might reevaluate your testing strategy by reading passages a different way or making a point of skipping difficult questions on the first pass through a section. After you’ve spent about five to ten hours fixing your mistakes, you should take another practice test and see how you do.Go through the same process that you did with the first test with your mistakes, and do another round of evaluation and fixing problems.You can then take another practice test to see where you stand, and keep repeating this process until you’re at the level you want or you run out of study time. If you don’t seem to be improving from test to test, you should rethink your test-taking strategies and whether you’re really understanding your mistakes.You may need to get help from a tutor or prep program to get to the bottom of what you’re missing. Practice Testing Strategies for High and Low Scorers Now I’ll give more specific advice on the best ways to approach practice tests for high and low scorers.You’re a high scorer if you’re scoring a 27 or higher consistently, and you’re a low scorer if you’re scoring a 20 or lower consistently. If you're in between those two scores, you can read the advice for both categories and decide which strategies might be most helpful to you based on the types of mistakes you struggle with the most. For example, if careless mistakes make up a big chunk of your incorrect answers, the high scorer advice might be more helpful to you. If time is more of an issue, the low scorer advice may be more relevant to your situation. For High Scorers: Most of the time, high scorers have more problems with careless mistakes on easy questions than anything else.With that in mind, it’s important for you to always double check your work at the end of each section if you have time left.This will prevent you from losing points as a result ofmisreading questions or solving for the wrong value.On math questions, sometimes it’s helpful to underline or circle the value that you need to find so that you don’t lose track of your goal in the midst of the calculations. When you come across a difficult question, make sure that you fully understand what it’s asking. Don’t rush through it!Rushing too much can lead you to perform worse overall than you would have if you slowed down a bit and answered more deliberately (even if you don't get to every questiondue to time pressure).This is why it’s sometimes a good idea to answer all the easy questions first and then go back for the more difficult ones.You’ll feel less time pressure on hard questions and able to think clearly. For Low Scorers: If you’re a low scorer, skipping difficult questions is one of the most important test-taking strategies for you.Many low scorers suffer from issues with time pressure because they get stuck on questions that give them trouble. You can avoid this by taking one pass through each section initially where you focus solely on easy questions and ignore any that confuse you. On the Reading and Science sections, you will need to look at the questions in groups because they correspond to different passages. For each set of questions, skim the passage first and then answer the relevant questions that come easily to you. If you find yourself spending more than 30 seconds on one question, move on. After you do this, you can allow yourself to spend more time on difficult questions since you’ve already locked down the questions that are a sure bet.With this strategy, you won’t be missing questions at the end of sections that should have been easy for you.You also won’t waste too many valuable minutes of your time on questions that you can’t figure out. Whether you’re a high or low scorer, it’s often helpful to treat the test like a game or a race where you’re trying to score as many points as possible as quickly as you can.This will make the whole experience feel less boring and pointless (pun intended). You might find that when you introduce this element of competition, you’re more energized and can answer questions more efficiently. The ACT is just like this except it has words and there's no physical activity involved! Conclusion It's important that you take the time to go over your mistakes on ACT practice tests so that you can figure out which types of errors are causing you to lose the most points. If you're aware of your mistakes, you will have the power to prevent yourself from repeating them in the future. Depending on how much time you have, you might be more or less meticulous in this process. Even if you only have a little bit of time before the test, you can still take one or two practice tests and fix your more superficial mistakes. Even small changes to your strategy can make a big difference in your scores! High and low scorers tend to make different types of mistakes on the ACT, so there are certain test-taking strategies that are more applicable to students who fit into each of these categories. Most people will struggle at least a little with time. Make sure you're not rushing or spending too much time on difficult questions before you get through the whole section. Learning how to reflect on your practice tests effectively is a crucial aspect of studying for the ACT. Taking an honest and thorough survey of your mistakes is the best way to reach your score goals on the real test. What's Next? Not sure how to formulate an effective study plan? Learn more abouthow long you should study for the ACT in order to reach your score goal. Is online studying more your style? Here are the best ACT prep websites you should be using.Don't forget to supplement with printed practice tests! If you're interested in using books to help direct your studying, read our 2015 guide to the best ACT prep books. Disappointed with your ACT scores? Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Samantha Lindsay About the Author Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dismissal Meeting Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dismissal Meeting - Coursework Example Hostility is bound to surface when the channels or steps taken do not satisfy the requisite legal requirements for termination of one’s employment. It is for the above reasons that this paper seeks to highlight step by step processes of conducting dismissal and ways managers can cope with the emotions that accompany an employee’s layoff (Sidney, 2009). The different types of dismissal are fair dismissal, unfair dismissal, constructive dismissal and wrongful dismissal. In most cases fair and unfair dismissal depend on two facts. These two facts are the reasons for the termination and the reaction that comes alongside the dismissal. However, for the constructive dismissal an employee may decide to put pen to paper an end to the employment contract due to a number of reasons. There are several ways that consequently lead to this kind of dismissal. For instant, when an employee’s wages are reduced in a manner that breaches the terms of agreement of the contract or the prevailing working conditions endangers the life of the employee or unjust increase in workload and discrimination of the employee (Sandler & Keefe, 2010). It is a natural phenomenon for the person being dismissed to feel resentment towards the manager. It is prudent that anything the manager does during the dismissal is aimed at minimizing as much as possible the resentment that the process may accompany. The repercussions for dismissal of a worker can be so detrimental not only to the company itself but also to the well being of the manager (Cushway, 2014). Due to competitive nature in the business arena, companies strive to create and maintain a nutritious image geared towards acquisition of customers for the short term purpose as well as long term purpose. If the distraught worker bad mouths the company after dismissal, customers may have some reservations towards that company. Moreover, the manager should avoid by all means using all the